Communicate and Advocate: Working with the IRB, by Jennie Ofstein, 2007 alumna

So, you’ve got this great assistantship working with your favorite rockstar-professor and you are doing research with them. Heck Yes!

So, you decided to write a Master’s thesis and this is your first time working on your own research. Well, that’s pretty awesome!

So, you’ve passed your proposal defense and need to take the next steps, and the very next step is working with the IRB…. Well, I CAN’T WAIT to read about what you’re gonna study!

There are all sorts of reasons (pretty cool ones too) that you may get to work with the IRB office here at NC State and I am pretty excited about it. My name is Jennie. I am a graduate of the Higher Ed Masters program and I have worked as a Student Affairs professional at NC State and at UNC-Chapel Hill. Since then, I have come back to State to get my PhD and am now in the proposal stage in our department (Here’s to persistence! – Think Steve Martin in The Three Amigos, “Gonna make it, Gonna make it, Gonna make it… I digress).

So, you may now be asking yourself “Jennie! You study Ed Research and Policy! How’d ‘you working with the IRB’ happen?” <- That’s a longer story for ya (a good one though). But for now, my simple answer is that through my education in our department, my research agenda and my positions in student affairs, I heavily identify as a social justice educator and practical ethicist. This lead to me advocating for folks who need advocating for.

I tell you all this to let you know, that I get you. I get your experience in the program and I will get your research and what you want to do with it. But also. I tell you this so that I can help you understand how education and practical research ethics align quite nicely.

When I give IRB presentations in class, the very first thing I ask is “What are you researching and WHY are you researching it?” After the typical academic spiel most students are trained to give, I ask “Why is that important?” and then I repeat the question several times, pushing you to get to your ultimate answer of something like “Fundamentally, I care about these people and want them to be able to do this… Or have access to that… or be better prepared for this… but mostly, I care about these people.”

This care, is the foundation of the IRB and should remain the foundation of your research and how you do your research. Everything from your immersion in the literature, to your study design and implementation, should have the target group in mind. And throughout the research process, this group should be treated with the care, respect, and the dignity they deserve. That’s where the IRB and the practical ethics of your research come in.

Over the years, researchers have done some pretty terrible things in the name of science and research participants have been taken advantage of in many ways. As a result, our government puts some checks and balances in place so that all research with human subjects is ethical in practice. We (the IRB) are here to make sure that your research is implemented ethically. We are trained to read through research with an eye focusing on risks/benefits, welfare of participants, and general practicalities of the study implementation. We kinda help you (and your advisor) “dot your i’s” and “cross your t’s” when it comes to implementing your research agenda.

As you think about your study and propose your study design to the IRB, we expect you to think about the implementation of your research. By “we,” I mean me, Jennie. Hi. I am the person who reads your proposal, yes… all of it. All of the pages.

What this means is, instead of thinking about your research from the researcher only lens, we want you to think about your research from the lay-person lens. What are you actually doing? What is actually going to happen? Sure, you are doing a focus group, but you need to implement it and describe that implementation process to us. This means describing:

  • How you are getting the participants? (flyers? – we need to see those)
  • How do the participants sign up? (via email? – we need to see the scripts of communication)
  • Where do participants arrive for the group? (is it private/public – we need that described)
  • What are you going to say to them and ask them in the group? (we need to see the protocol)
  • What is the consent process like? (we need to see the forms etc.)
  • How long will it take? Are there snacks there? Is there compensation?
  • Are they doing an activity while there? (if so – we need to see the components of the activity)

You: “But Jennie…. I’ve heard ALL THE THINGS about the IRB.”

Jennie: “I know, sometimes IRBs get a bad rep, but just like you and your research, our IRB is a special snowflake. We are here to help you accomplish your research goals and the best way for you to work with the IRB is to work with the IRB by communicating and advocating”

You: “But Jennie, the application is online and it’s scary.”

Jennie: “Oh, I get this. I am a Gen-Xer through and through and technology is tough. That’s why I have made you an incredibly detailed annotated PDF tutorial about the eIRB application system.”

You: “Well, earlier you said I’m a snowflake, I know I am special and so is my research, so I have a lot of very specific questions.”

Jennie: “You are a snowflake and so is your research, but chances are, you have all of the tools you need to resolve the issues you are having. Why you ask? Because I made you some pretty great educational materials. You can find them here: This site has information for you on what to consider throughout your research process so that you know what the IRB is going to ask about.”

You: “JENNIE. I was raised in HEA, of course I have used all my resources and my advisor, I still have a question or I am having some technical difficulties…”

Jennie: “My B! You are right, what was I thinking. Just call me! 919.515.8754 or send me an e-mail at and I can help you navigate your questions. I really love talking about research, especially Ed research, and I love making research stronger (and may even have some cool ideas about yours) so call away!”

 Jennie Ofstein is 2007 alumna of the Higher Education Administration master’s program. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Educational Research and Policy Analysis at NC State University. She serves as the IRB Coordinator at NC State and is the Director for Organizational Development and Community Engagement at CrossFit Chapel Hill.

The Stages of a Ph.D., by Alessandra Dinin

At North Carolina State University, the Higher Education Administration-focused Ph.D. in Educational Research and Policy Analysis (ERPA) program has some distinct stages. If you are taking a full-time schedule of classes, the first stage is just that—taking classes. This stage lasts an average of two to three years. In that time, you turn in your Diagnostic Advisement Procedure (DAP), which is basically a sample paper to make sure your written work is up to par. Then, towards the end of your coursework, in lieu of a comprehensive exam, you write a Research Prospectus. The next stage is the big D where students propose their dissertation and then ultimately defend. Of course, if you pursue your Ph.D. part-time, then these stages are extended up to 8 years.

Grover (2007)[1] discusses other stages of doctoral study: exploration, engagement, consolidation, and entry. In a full-time plan of work, exploration and engagement are associated with the first two years of a full-time program where students investigate topics of interest and are savvy about research opportunities. Consolidation is where research efforts are funneled towards the dissertation, and entry pertains to exiting into the workforce.

On a less formal note, Haig (2011)[2] introduces six emotional stages of a Ph.D.: elated smugness, paranoid bemusement, domination, obsession, fear, and tranquility. This process might be summarized as the transformation from feeling excited about starting a Ph.D. program, to feeling like an imposter, to the freedom to express and study what you want to, to a complete fixation on your topic, to complete panic about being able to succeed, and, in the end, a feeling of peace to finally do other things besides dissertate.

While all doctoral programs vary, I assume that most Ph.D. students would agree with at least some portion of Grover and Haig’s models. The challenge throughout all of these stages is that a Ph.D. is hard. It can be lonely when you have no time to do anything but study. It can be costly when you sacrifice a full-time employee’s salary. It can be stressful when you have a million deadlines hitting all at the same time. And it can be sad when you have to face rejection and critical feedback. BUT pursuing your Ph.D. can also be exciting when you get a thrilling opportunity. It can be rewarding when you reach a major milestone. It can be happy when you have an opportunity to research things you really care about. And it can be really really happy when it’s all over and you are a Doctor!

The thing is, no matter how you feel, or what Ph.D. stage you are in, you’re not alone! If things are tough, or even if they are great, talk to your fellow doctoral students because they’re likely going through the same things as you (and want to talk about it). If you have fantastic and wonderful faculty like we do at NC State, then you should also talk to your faculty—they can be a tremendous support system and can help keep things in perspective. And, if you don’t feel comfortable talking to the people at your institution, look online because #phd #thestruggleisreal.

[1] Grover, V. (2007). Successfully Navigating the Stages of Doctoral Study. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 2, 9-21.

[2] Haigh, C., Hardy, P., & Duncan, F. (2011). Six stages of doctoral study: a new model for PhD students. Nurse Researcher, 18(4), 46-4.

Alessandra Dinin is a doctoral student in the Educational Research and Policy Analysis program with a Specialization in Higher Education Administration. She serves as a Director of Research for the National Initiative for Leadership & Institutional Effectiveness (NILIE). She is also a Doctoral Liaison for the Higher Education Association.

Applying to Doctoral Programs, by Brian A. Peters

Applying to a doctoral program is a lengthy and time consuming process for prospective students. Either continuing their education or a professional going back to school, the decision to complete a PhD is a major step in one’s career and life. Within higher education, a terminal degree creates future opportunities to conduct research, seek higher administrative positions or become engaged in policy. However, a doctorate is not just a credential. Doctoral programs prepare future scholars to research problems using a particular disciplinary focus. To be successful in doctoral work, you will have to start thinking of yourself as a scholar within a particular discipline. Through this lens, you are able to view the issues and concerns in our society and find means to address them using specific methods.  Having a “life of the mind,” prospective students should have educational interests beyond higher education career advancement within their institutions. What interests you within the higher education field? What problems do you see in higher education? How can we identify and solve these problems? Studying for a PhD will provide you the tools to address these issues, but how do you apply and what should you consider going through the process? Below are some thoughts on the application process based on my personal experience and discussions with colleagues.

Before You Apply

Before you can apply to a PhD program, you will need to do some research. I would start by reading topics in your interest area. What is the current literature saying about your topic? If you were to study a problem, what would it be and why? By asking these questions, you will start to recognize authors who regularly write in that area. Look at where these scholars are teaching and begin your PhD program search there. I found it helpful to call faculty members to ask about studying within their discipline and discover their upcoming research agendas. This can be particularly helpful if a professor you are interested in working with is planning on going on a sabbatical, Fulbright or retiring while you will be in the program. Further, you may have a particular research interest but want to diversify your research skills so you may want to work with a professor who is proficient in another methodology. Before you contact them, you will want to read a couple articles by the professor and their dissertation to have a sense of their research agenda. In addition, review the curriculum of each program; what are the interests of the varying faculty at the institution? Background knowledge on the curriculum and the faculty will assist you later when you write your personal statement.

If you are a working professional, one consideration you may be weighing is attending a PhD program fulltime or part-time. Several institutions have tuition waivers and assistance programs that could help pay for your degree while you continue to work in the field. On the other hand, fulltime status allows a prospective student to gain new experiences as graduate assistants and participate in more research. Several factors can go into your decision so it may be helpful for you to sit down and think about what you want to achieve with your degree. Can you attain those goals at your current institution or do you need to enroll fulltime to get the most out of your program?

Most institutions will require you to take the GRE and submit official transcripts. Your GRE scores are good for 5 years if you already have a master’s degree. After 5 years, you will need to re-take the exam which has changed in the past few years. I had to retake the exam and found the test easier than the first time I took it based on experience of going through the test once. I would suggest buying a GRE study book, re-learn math formulas and take several practice tests. Further, you will need a transcript for each institution you have attended (even community colleges) to submit with your applications. Depending on your alma mater(s), this can take several days or weeks so plan accordingly. However, some programs only require unofficial transcripts until you have been admitted so look at the particular application requirements to save time and money.

Your references should be mostly (if not all) academics. Higher education appreciates work experience and some programs may even require a letter of reference from a supervisor, but for most academic programs, they want to ready letters from faculty members. Faculty committees want to see how you will perform in the classroom and in research so you should ask faculty that you know closely. If you have a publication with a faculty member, he or she should be one of your references so they can articulate your skills as a researcher. You can also ask current faculty at your institution if you are a working professional and you have taken PhD courses as a non-degree seeking student. This is a great way to connect with more faculty in the field and see if a PhD is right for you. Finally, if you are applying to higher education fields, at least one reference should be from a higher education professor. He or she will know the faculty at the institutions you are applying and can be a strong recommender on your behalf. Your faculty recommender may give advice on the best places for you to apply based on your interests.  Just make sure you give your recommenders plenty of time to write your references in advance so as you begin to submit applications, you will either have the required hard copies or they will be ready to submit an electronic version.

Personal Statements

Your personal statement is your opportunity to tell the faculty who you are, what your career goals are, why you wish to pursue a doctorate and why you fit in their program. I received a lot of advice on my personal statement because I let several people read it before submitting it to schools. I would suggest having people close to you read your statement as they will know if you are forgetting something or the statement does not sound like you. Your personal statement should showcase who you are and your personality. Why do you want to get a PhD? What opportunities open up to you after completing a doctorate? Faculty make a major investment when taking on doctoral students so they want to make sure you are fit for their institution and program. Your previous reading and research should be showcased in your personal statement to connect the institution to your goals. For example, how does the curriculum fit with your educational goals? Which faculty members do you want to work with and why? Mention recent books and articles that sparked your research interests. The previous research you completed before applying for programs should be highlighted in your personal statement as you are telling the faculty how your particular interest fits within their curriculum and research agenda. As some faculty may only read your CV and your personal statement when considering your application, you should focus on writing the best statement possible.


After submitting (and paying) for your applications, you will start to hear from programs during the spring semester. Some offer admission early to start gauging your interest while others offer admission after you have attended a recruitment weekend. Visiting campus is a great opportunity to learn more about the institution and meet the faculty. Similar to picking your undergraduate college, or your first job, picking a program is about fit. Can I see myself at this institution? What opportunities do I have here compared to another program? Which faculty will I get to work with or what assistantship/aid am I offered? Campus visits provide you insights on the programs and the institution, providing a wider lens to make your decision.

Some decisions on which program to attend may come easier than others. If you are not offered aid than that program should be lower on your list. Several programs offer full tuition waiver and a stipend. If you are considering PhD part-time, weigh the costs of working full time (with potential tuition assistance) against attending a program fulltime. Depending on your life situation, one of these factors may weigh more in your mind than others. In an ideal world, choosing a doctoral program would be completely about connecting with faculty, fit and strong academics. However, doctoral students have to pay previous student loans, provide for their families, potentially move and have other work responsibilities to be carefully weighed. Faculty who are particularly interested in working with you will check in with you regularly to see how your decision process is progressing. Use this to your advantage to ask follow up questions and read between the lines about the different programs.

Programs offer different opportunities that may help your decision. One of the reasons I decided to attend NC State’s program was the opportunities to teach. In my current position, I have the opportunity to teach an Honors Seminar to undergraduates, connecting my research interest with the classroom. Further, the doctoral program encourages and promotes teaching opportunities for students to assist with master’s or doctoral level classes. Teaching opportunities can diversify your CV when you go on the job market and push you to do more research. Other opportunities may include assistantships, research centers, fellowships, job opportunities, government policy and access to other institutions. Consider your goals in your personal statement and how the programs to which you have been admitted will best prepare you.

Pursuing a doctoral degree is a major life decision. You will need to decide what is best for you after considering all the various perspectives and factors about each program. Reach out to faculty, students, family and peers to help you think about your decision. If you can see yourself at an institution and can map out how you will finish your degree, then you have your match. Hopefully you will have several great offers to consider and will start your doctoral journey.

Brian A. Peters is a doctoral student in the Educational Research and Policy Analysis program with a Specialization in Higher Education Administration. He works with University Housing and the University Honors Program as the Honors Village Community Director at NC State University.

Veering off Course to Stay on Track, by Shauna Morin

When I began the HEA doctoral program just over a year ago, it was with the sole intention of furthering my career as a student affairs practitioner. After seven years as a full-time professional in the field, I had come to realize that a doctorate would be necessary to secure an upper-level position in higher education administration and I felt it was time to take the Ph.D. plunge. What I didn’t realize was that, in coming to NC State, I would be exposed to an entirely different career path that I’d never before considered—that of a faculty member. 

As any current student or graduate of our program knows, we have some incredibly talented and dedicated faculty in HEA. Because I am the graduate assistant for the HEA program, I’ve had a unique opportunity to spend significant time with them, observing the myriad roles they play and gaining insight into their diverse career paths. Learning about our faculty’s educational and professional journeys has reinforced that there are many possible avenues to a career in academia, thereby making attainment of such a career seem more viable. I never anticipated that my graduate assistantship would shift my career trajectory, but it has been a welcome (if unexpected) turn of course.

Over the past year, I’ve also gained tremendous insight into the world of a faculty member by engaging in collaborative research, writing and reviewing scholarly articles, and (perhaps most exciting of all!) teaching. I am currently participating in NC State’s Preparing the Professoriate (PTP) program, a yearlong professional development initiative that allows me to gain hands-on experience in the classroom under the supervision of a faculty mentor. As part of PTP, I am serving as a teaching colleague for the master’s level Foundations of Student Affairs course. Thinking creatively about lessons, developing activities and assignments, and getting up in front of the classroom have provided equal measure of challenge and reward. Though experiences such as PTP were not part of my plan when I entered the HEA program, they have proved to be hugely valuable and formative in my learning.

While I am not entirely certain that I’ll pursue a faculty career when I complete my degree, I am committed to keeping all doors open that will enable me to do so. And I am grateful for the opportunities and support here at NC State that make it possible. I encourage all of our current students to get involved by taking full advantage of our collective faculty expertise and the professional development offerings within and across programs at the University. Most of all, I urge students to explore an array of career paths within higher education by venturing into unfamiliar waters once in awhile. After all, veering off course can sometimes keep you on the right track!