Reflections from Recruitment Weekend(s), by Jeremy Elmore

It was almost exactly three years ago when I drove my rented yellow Fiat 500 over 334 miles to Raleigh, North Carolina. I can remember it as if it were yesterday.

Who am I kidding? I can barely remember what I had to eat for breakfast yesterday (I mean, did I even eat anything?). Regardless of how vivid my memory was of the day when I came to Recruitment Weekend, I can still remember how I felt after the weekend was completed. It did not matter that I did not fully understand what to expect in my academic discussion with faculty or that I didn’t know a single soul before coming to NC State (besides my awesome buddy, Nolan Patouillet). What did matter is that I found a place that I could call home.

And who would have guessed that this would be the first of many Recruitment Weekends that I would enjoy on my journey through graduate school? As I look back at my experiences during Recruitment Weekend, both as a candidate and as an organizer, I believe there are several lessons that I can apply to any life situation (hopefully you can use some of them too).

Just breathe. Sometimes in life, we must simply remember to breathe. What I have found is that in the midst of our busy everyday lives, we tend to forget that breathing is essential to life. Without breath, we cease to exist. In those stressful moments, whether it is in the midst of an intense graduate assistantship interview or at the moment that the task at hand is towering overhead, step back and take a huge breath. It is scientifically proven that breathing exercises help the body remove stress and refresh the mind. The thing I have to constantly tell myself is that I must not take life so seriously, but I must try to pause and truly enjoy the moments that pass in front of me, as they will only come around once.

Communication is always the key. The success rests heavily on the ability for members to effectively communicate with each other. I would contend that truly great organizations have great communication. This does not mean that there are no flaws in their communications or an occasional miscommunication. The times that I felt like communication was at its highest during the planning and execution of Recruitment Weekend were the times that I felt like things were most successful. The times that vision was not thoroughly conveyed throughout the organization or feedback was not directed back towards the top, were the times that the effectiveness of the group was not as high as its overall potential. If you want to have a successful organization, make sure that you practice great communication.

Embrace the unexpected. The phrase that most people have heard is “to expect the unexpected.” However it is not enough just to anticipate problems and issues, but we must be ready to do something with the unexpected. Just like last year’s Snowpocalypse, it is one thing to prepare and make contingency plans, but it is another to endure and persevere in the midst of everything crumbling around you. We should not shy away from conflict and crises, but we must become leaders and challenge those around us to rise to the occasion.

Understand your shortcomings but celebrate your successes. What I have observed in my time, as the VP for Recruitment, is that it is not hard to point out the items that did not go as planned, but rather it is difficult to remember what victories and successes you have accomplished. It is only natural to want everything to go perfect. Therefore, it is our human nature to tally the number of times there was a hiccup in the process. While we should not neglect the areas that are in need of improvement, we must remember to recognize the items that went without a hitch. It is these items that an organization, program, or idea can really use to gather steam and propel people forward.

I am really grateful for my experiences as the VP for Recruitment and feel honored for the opportunity to represent the program I have fallen in love with. My last two years in this position have allowed me to push myself as a leader and have strengthened the friendships with folks I am proud to call my colleagues. It is my hope that you find these small words of wisdom as beneficial as I have.

Jeremy Elmore is a second year student in the higher education administration master’s program. He currently serves as the Graduate Assistant for Student Involvement in University Center Activities & Events at Duke University. He is also the Vice President for Recruitment with the Higher Education Association.

“Wait, what’s a visa?” My Summer Internship Abroad, by Benoit D. Sabourin

Ok, ok, so I know what a visa is, and that I am required to have one to travel to many countries in the world. But there are so many things to think about when traveling and a visa is just a small part. 

The Backstory. In October of my first semester in graduate school I was wondering if I had made the right choice coming back to school. Though I am from Raleigh, I still felt like a stranger in this program. I wasn’t making the connections I thought I would and I certainly didn’t feel like I was advancing towards an exciting career. “Man, is this what life is going to be like after grad school?” So, instead of whining and waiting for things to change I started looking into different options that would get me re-excited (did I just make up this word? maybe) about Higher Education Administration. I started looking into what I could do for a summer internship, and I started applying. And man, did I apply! However, I had a list of requirements:

  • It couldn’t be in NC
  • It would be nice if I got paid…
  • I couldn’t know anyone in the place I was going
  • I had to fly to get there

Once I started looking at the internships that fit these qualifications, I started getting so excited. If I actually got the opportunity to do one, I was going to be ecstatic!

The Applications. I applied to NODA internships at about 12 schools. I applied to ones that were presented to us through our HEA email blasts. This included one at the American University of Kuwait, and one at Franklin University in Switzerland. I also inquired about one at the American University of the Caribbean. Now, after applying to all these, I really wasn’t expecting to hear back from any overseas. I thought those were too good to be true, and that the NODA internships would be more attainable. 

The Response. Then one day in December, I received an e-mail from the coordinator of the American University of Kuwait internship saying I was chosen for the summer 2015 program! I couldn’t believe it. I kind of sat there for 10 minutes looking at my phone in disbelief. Then, of course, I called everyone I knew to tell them. And no one else could believe it either. I was going to spend 2 months in Kuwait! And then it sunk in. “Wait, I know nothing about Kuwait, or the Middle East.” I had some research to do if I was going to be living in this culture for 2 months. 

The Research. I started like every good researcher, and went straight to Wikipedia. Kuwait is a very small, oil-rich country in the Arabian Gulf. It is bordered by Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and the Persian Gulf. It is unbearably hot in the summer (and I thought NC weather was hot), and it is mostly desert. The official language is Arabic. The American University of Kuwait is in Kuwait City, the largest city and capital.

The culture of Kuwait is very different than the one I am used to here in the US and there are many things I will have to keep in mind during my stay. I have included an excerpt taken straight from the resource guide shared with me: “Additionally, it is an Islamic country with local laws, customs, and business practices heavily influenced by the Islamic faith and the Islamic calendar. For instance, many public holidays are based on the Islamic calendar, which is based on the phases of the moon, with holiday dates moving forward approximately 10 days on an annual basis from the Gregorian calendar. It is important to note that the Holy month of Ramadan may occur during your time in Kuwait. This month sees a significant shift in practices and work conditions as often work hours are reduced, and that it is illegal to eat or drink in public during daylight hours.” This custom is one that struck me the most, and though I knew about Ramadan, I never saw it as a holiday that would affect me. Already, I am learning to be more sensitive to other cultures. Here in the US, most of our holidays are based around Christian traditions. It had me wondering how different life would be if they were centered on a different faith. Now that I will be submerging myself into this culture, will I be able to abide by these customs? The answer is: I’ll have to. And I am completely ok with that! I never really feel challenged until I am taken completely out of my comfort zone.

After having learned this much, I kept digging. I wanted to make sure I abided by all the laws and customs that would be different, and I didn’t want to offend anyone upon my arrival. I have since learned that physical displays of affection between the same sexes are very common. This, I was used to, for in France we commonly practice this also with our greetings. However, some men will not shake the hand of a woman and some women will not shake the hand of a man. A man, when greeting a Kuwaiti woman, ought to refrain from extending his hand first. Something that we have been taught here in America to be a polite gesture as soon as you meet someone can be considered too forward and rude in Kuwait. Another custom I am going to have to be careful to abide by.

While many of these differences may scare some people, I am so excited about this opportunity and I am looking forward to all the experiences I will be able to partake in. On top of all that, I am going to be advancing my knowledge in the field I will be working in. Two of my favorite things, international travel and higher education, all in one package! While preparing is exciting, I await with impatience to see what this trip will bring me! Hopefully I will learn more than I could ever have hoped, meet new and interesting people, learn how to break down barriers between two very different cultures, and even get a wicked tan! Wish me luck on my adventure, and until then, Masalama!

Benoit D. Sabourin is a first year student in the Higher Education Administration master’s program. He serves as a Graduate Assistant for Preparing Future Leaders with The Graduate School at NC State University.

Guide to the Local Job Search, by Staci Thornton, 2012 alumna

Hello second years!!  I wanted to take a second to write about the local job search because I found it to be a lot different than those doing national job searches.  I would like to preface with the fact that I’m no expert but these are some things I did that I think can help you out:

  1. I basically started my job search right when I started my final year. A dream job might open up that may work around your school schedule or not start until much later.  There was a job opening at UNC in October that I REALLY wanted and I assumed they wanted someone to start soon so I didn’t apply.  It turned out those positions were not filled until March so I may have had a chance if I had just applied.
  2. Apply for jobs that may not perfectly fit into what you want to do. Everyone has his or her filters and if yours is you want to stay local, you may have to sacrifice what you really want to do.  I applied for jobs all over the field!  Don’t choose something you will hate but just don’t be uber picky.
  3. When you start looking at job websites, most of them split jobs into EPA or SPA. Most of us will get EPA jobs but I applied for some SPA jobs and again, they may not have been ideal but the salary wasn’t that different and they were still in the realm of what I wanted to do.  Also, I found that private institutions, like Duke, do not always require a Masters Degree for some of their positions but that does not mean you shouldn’t apply.  They are able to be a bit more lenient when it comes to hiring so read the job description and see if it’s something you want to do; don’t just read the job qualifications.
  4. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “it’s all about who you know,” and that’s SO true, especially in student affairs. Everyone knows each other, it’s random and you can use this to your advantage!  I had weekly informational meetings with people from UNC, NC State, and Duke in fields I wanted to work in or with people who knew people I had worked with.  Talk to your supervisor about who they know and then shoot them an e-mail just asking to speak to them about their experiences.  Then wow them and bring a resume so they want to hire you if they have a position open. 🙂 One caveat to this was that sometimes I got some random advice or people telling me how hard it is to get a job in the area so you need to just brush it off and learn from them but not completely rely on them.  The point is to get your name out there.
  5. Reach out to AJ and ask what alumni are in the area and talk with them as well. I currently work with two alumni who knew me and one current student who met me at Recruitment Weekend so they both vouched me after the interview and voila, got the job. 🙂
  6. Go to local conferences. A lot of national organizations have local affiliates with conferences (usually in the fall).  It will be more helpful for you to network at those than the national conferences.  You can also go to functional area local conferences.  I went to NCAIE, the local affiliate of NAFSA, for two years and made some awesome local connections.
  7. Another important thing to realize is that your job search is going to look A LOT different than those with national searches. You may not have as many jobs to apply for so you may not get as many interviews.  Don’t get bogged down by that!  Also, for people doing a functional job search, their cover letters for different jobs might look pretty similar but it may take you a lot longer to tailor each cover letter to a specific job since you are probably applying for a wider array of types of jobs.  So it might seem like you are doing a lot more work but remember that you won’t ever have to get on a plane or sleep in a hotel or wonder if your suit got all wrinkled in the travel because your interviews will be close by.  Also, since you are close by, I found the interviews to be a little less intense, maybe a half-day as opposed to a day and half.  Or they might have you come in for coffee or something more casual.

Also, one thing that I had a hard time with was people telling me that I needed to expand my job search (not people in my cohort or my professors, just other professionals).   This caused me to lose some confidence in my choices but if you really want to stay in the area (which is totally reasonable because the Triangle is rock solid awesome), then do it and trust your choices!  I think the local job search can be a bit more time consuming but stick with it and it’ll all work out!

On one of my informational interviews, someone once told me that they wished someone had told them that there is more than one hiring period for student affairs.  Just because you don’t have a job in March, doesn’t mean you won’t ever have one!  A lot of people hire in July and August so keep truckin’ along!

If y’all have any questions or want to talk about the local job search process more, please let me know!  Again, I’m no expert but these things worked for me and I’m glad I had people to tell me these things. 🙂 Enjoy your last year, it goes by fast!!!

Staci Thornton is a 2012 graduate of the Higher Education Administration master’s program. She currently serves as an Academic Coordinator for Professional Masters Programs with the Master of Engineering Management Program at Duke University.

When the Students Know More Than You, by Lisa Latronica, 2014 alumna

When I started my first professional position, I expected to feel some imposter syndrome. I expected to feel like coworkers knew more than me and to be a little intimidated and nervous around them. We talked about it at length in Capstone and throughout the job search process.

I did not expect to be terrified of the students I would be supervising.

In Residence Life at Colorado School of Mines, there is an additional student staff position between professional staff and Resident Assistants and Community Assistants. Our Senior Staff – made up of Hall Directors and Community Directors – are upperclassmen or graduate students who have 1-2 years of experience as staff members. The job they do is basically the same as what a graduate student in student affairs would do – they supervise a staff, oversee a building of residents, and even serve as first responders on a duty rotation.

When I first learned all that the Senior Staff did, I was in disbelief. The number of times I said, “We let undergraduate students do that?” is more than I can count. But the closer we got to their arrival on campus and Senior Staff training, the more the skepticism faded, and the stronger the fear, nervousness, and uncertainty began.

These students had been in Mines Res Life for longer than I had been in residence life anywhere. They could do the job that I just left. They knew more about the campus culture, student population, and policies and procedures than my new professional mind could grasp. And that was uncomfortable and terrifying.

Then the 8 Senior Staff arrived. And they were so nice and talented. And that almost made it worse. My mantras all through our training retreat (which in true Colorado fashion, took place on the side of a mountain and with lots of hiking and bouldering), were, “Fake it till you make it,” and “Don’t let them see the fear in your eyes.” I thought that if I showed any hint of not knowing what I was doing, I would lose their respect and trust.  And on top of it, the more I got to know them, the more impressed I was with them, not just as students or staff, but as people. To this day, I would argue that you won’t find people who can balance as much, give as much, or care as much as our Senior Staff.

I felt this huge amount of pressure, but it took me weeks to realize that it wasn’t the students who were putting that pressure on me. I was doing it to myself.

A few weeks into the start of the semester, after all the training and move-in events were over, I had a conversation with one of the Senior Staff members that changed how I viewed our relationship. I was having an overwhelming day, and felt like I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. I finally caved and asked them to tell me about how things were done at Mines from their perspective. It was one of the most helpful conversations I had during those first few months. I later shared with them that I had been terrified to seem like I didn’t know what I was doing.

Their reaction? They laughed and said that was ridiculous.

As real as my fear and nervousness was, it was pretty unfounded. Sure, the students knew a lot more about some things, but I forgot to have confidence in my own experiences and education. I think part of my fear was because I wanted to be the best possible person for my students, and I forgot the most important part of that:

Intentions and trying. If you have good intentions, and you try hard to do the best for your students, you can’t go wrong.

It’s easy to forget that students see us a humans, just as we see them as such. They don’t expect us to be perfect, and it’s not fair to us or them to pressure ourselves to seem as such. We screw up. We don’t know answers. We need help. And the more we are ok with showing that side of ourselves, the more our students will be ok with showing us that side of themselves.

These days, I’m much more comfortable asking the Senior Staff for answers (and it happens almost daily). I’ve realized that they’re happy to help, and it’s so much easier than guessing. They know I’m not perfect, and I’m ok with that. And deep down, I know that they feel better asking me questions because of it.

I’m still scared of them some days, but now it’s more likely to be because they’re leaping from rocks on a mountain than because I think they’re judging me. I like this way much better.

Lisa Latronica is a 2014 graduate of the Higher Education Administration master’s program. She currently serves as a Residence Life Coordinator with the Department of Residence Life at the Colorado School of Mines.

“You did what over the summer?” Crash Course in NODA Internships, by Natalie Rollan

Ever heard a colleague or #sagrad saying they did a “NODA”? Wondering what to do over the summer with all that free time graduate school affords you? You should apply for a NODA Internship! NODA is the Association for Orientation, Transition, and Retention in Higher Education (formerly known as the National Orientation Directors Association). This is the national organization for knowledge and advancement of orientation and transition programs in higher education and student affairs. The NODA Internship Program connects host institutions and professionals with graduate students seeking to expand their orientation experiences or try something new. Host institutions post 10 – 14 week positions through the association and interested students are able to apply and be matched with their top preferences through an exciting and dynamic selection process.

I had the opportunity to serve as a NODA Intern at Montclair State University, in Montclair, New Jersey, this summer and it was an amazing experience! I’d never worked in orientation prior to applying for the internship and was ready to try a new functional area in the field, knowing I would gain a lot of valuable skills in the process. I was a bit nervous to apply at first, after hearing about how competitive the program was, but took a leap of faith and will be forever grateful for my experience at Montclair State with the team at the Center for Advising and Student Transitions. I am by no means an expert on the application process (having gone through this almost a year ago now) but I hope I can impart some of what I learned for those interested in pursuing this opportunity.

Sifting Through Lots of Postings. To begin the application process, you’ll want to look through the NODA Internship page and read up on the program and what applying and interning will look like. Then, you’ll need to create an account through their online selection system. There is an application fee involved so be prepared for that. Once you’ve created your account, you’ll be able to look through all of the available internship postings. THERE WILL BE A LOT. The positions are listed in a database by institution name, position name, state, institution type, start date, and end date. I would suggest first figuring out your ideal start and end date, according to assistantships or other commitments, to begin narrowing down the positions. Thinking about the location and institution type would help as well. There will also be different types of positions, anything from orientation leader supervisor, to family programs intern, to overnight orientation coordinator. Plenty of options to choose from!

Compensation. Most all internships offer housing and a stipend. Some may offer extra amenities, such as parking and meals on campus.

Narrowing Down Your Preferences. It can be overwhelming but also exciting to know you have so many places to choose from. To make it easier to process, I copied and pasted all of the database information into an Excel spreadsheet and used filters to search through positions. Each posting had a separate PDF document detailing the position description, compensation package, and institution background. I made sure to save all of the ones I was interested in to my laptop. Dropbox came in handy here! When applying, you’ll be given only eight slots for your preferences. Keep in mind that some institutions may have several positions available and you can select one or all of them, but one slot = one position. When selecting preferences, you can put down eight different positions, or use one of your slots to select “where needed in region…” This option would send your application to any institution, in a specific region of your choosing, looking for more applications and wishing to broaden their applicant pool. I chose to select eight different positions in mostly northern states, therefore limiting my options a bit.

Application Materials. You’ll need to submit a current resume and cover letter as part of your application. The website may say the cover letter is optional but it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (so just submit a cover letter). Your cover letter should be generalized to any position you might be applying for. It should focus on the skills and common duties required of the positions you’re looking into. I applied for several positions that involved supervising orientation leaders and emphasized my previous supervisory experience to show competence in that area. Your resume should also be tailored to the transferrable skills you’ll bring to those positions. I had no formal orientation experience but made sure to highlight advising and programming experiences from my assistantship at NC State. You’ll also have to answer a few brief questions about your interest in orientation and previous experiences with transition programs. Focus on your cover letter and resume and have someone you trust look over them!

Choose Your References Wisely. The application calls for three references. Ask three supervisors or mentors who know your work ethic and can attest to skills that would benefit you in any of the positions you’re applying for. Let them know they’ll be receiving a phone call from a potential employer according to the NODA Internship Program application timeline!

The Waiting Game. Applications are due at midnight on January 13, 2015. Submit them early if possible! After submission, you might end up waiting a very long time to hear back from institutions. Hosts may start contacting applicants on January 21 and interviewing on January 26. You might get a call right away and you might wait a long while; it just depends on the host institutions you applied for. Some might send you emails declining your application and some you may never hear from.

The Phone Interview. If you are contacted by an institution, they’ll schedule a phone interview with you. Carve out about an hour for this interview and make sure you are in a quiet space with no distractions. Learn everything you can about that institution and be ready with questions to ask them. Remember that mood and tone can be easily detected through a phone conversation; I would suggest talking over the phone with a friend or colleague and getting feedback on their interpretation of your demeanor over the phone. Again, you could get one interview, eight, or none—all a part of the process.

Final Decisions. My experience was a bit nerve-wracking because I didn’t hear from anyone for a very long time. I finally got a phone call in February to schedule a phone interview. That was my one and only interview and then my one and only internship offer. If you do not get an interview/offer towards the beginning, there is a second round of selection built into the process for institutions still looking for interns. Although your application will only be sent to those institutions you put down as preferences during the first round, your application may be sent to new institutions during the second round. In the end, depending on the offer(s) you get, you’ll have to decide what works best for your goals and interests and where you’ll have the most engaging experience.

I am beyond grateful I had the chance to spend my summer at Montclair State University. I met amazing people, explored a new institution with a refreshing culture, navigated a new state, and further honed in on the type of professional I aspire to be. The NODA experience gives graduate students the opportunity and flexibility to explore orientation while living and working at a new institution in a new area of the country. You can craft the experience around your interests and make it what you want. I encourage you to apply today!

Please email me at with any questions and I’d be happy to help!

Natalie Rollan is a second-year master’s student in the Higher Education Administration Program. She serves as a Graduate Advisor with the Department of Greek Life at NC State and is the Higher Education Association’s Vice President for Communication.