Higher Education Administration Funding
Each HEA due paying member is eligible to apply and access professional development grants for the academic year. Applications for professional development will be evaluated on the “Criteria for Evaluation” information stated below.
- Applicants must currently be enrolled master’s or doctoral students in the Higher Education Administration Program at NC State
- Applicants must be dues paying members of the Higher Education Association (HEA)
Required Materials
- Complete application submitted to the VP of Finance at least one month in advance
- Copy of conference registration form included with application
- Copy of receipts for invoices (for funded line items) submitted to the VP of Finance within two week of the conference end date
- Submission of a 500 word post to the HEA blog, explaining how you benefited professionally from the experience, and any advice or lessons you wish to share with your colleagues. This post must be submitted to the VP of Communication within two weeks of the conference end date
- Recipients of professional development funding will be reimbursed only after the above materials have been received.
- Applicant submits application and associated materials by the designated deadline. The deadline for the Fall 2014 semester is: TDB.
- Applications are accepted on a rolling basis by semester – if you have questions please contact a member of the executive board.
- The application may be found by logging in to your OrgSync account, accessing “Forms” and filling out the Professional Development Funding Application
- HEA Executive Board reviews all applications at the 2nd executive board meeting of each semester (October and February) and makes final funding decisions
- Applicant is notified within one week of the Executive Board’s decision
- Applicant submits required post-conference materials within two weeks of the conference end date
- Applicant receives reimbursement within one week of receiving required post-conference materials. Our reimbursement policy may be read here.
2016 Professional Development Grant Winners
Congratulations to doctoral students Callie Womble and Helen Wu for winning the 2016 Higher Education Association Professional Development Grants!