After the Interview, by Samara Reynolds, 2009 alumna

You are walking out of your interview, be it a first-round screening conversation at ACPA or NASPA or an on-campus visit for your final round interview. Ideally you feel confident and reflective and excited, but most likely you are simply relieved for it to be over. However, just because your interview is complete doesn’t mean your work is done. Here is some advice for putting your mind and candidacy in the best possible position after the interview:

Take Notes. As soon as you step away from your interview site, it is a good idea to jot down some notes for yourself. This may include interesting questions you were asked by particular interviewers, helpful answers you were given to your own questions, fun facts about the people you met, and your own observations and gut reactions. It’s best to get your thoughts out on paper while they are fresh on your mind. These timely notes will be especially helpful during the next stage of this process…

Send Notes. Writing thank you notes to your interviewers within 24 hours of your departure is my #1 most important post-interview tip. The instinct to write thank you notes has been engrained in me since childhood (thanks Mom), but you would be surprised at how few people actually take the time to send them. From your perspective, it’s a great way to follow up on your experience in a classy, professional way, and to make sure your final impression is a good one. From your interviewers’ point of view, it might sound strange, but the one thing folks on the other side of the table don’t know at the end of your interview is whether or not you still want the job. Now, you might say, I just interviewed and I’m job seeking, so of course I want the job?! But they really can never be sure (unless you tell them) if your conversation made you feel more or less interested in having them as supervisors/colleagues, or how you feel about this role compared to the others you are vying for. Thank you notes also give you the chance to reiterate key points from your interview, briefly say anything you didn’t get a chance to during your chat, and tell your interviewers directly that you are even more interested in the opportunity after your conversation (if that’s indeed the case).

I can go either way on email vs. handwritten these days, but if you know the turnaround time on their decision is going to be longer than a week or two, or you have the chance to physically drop a note in their on-site mailbox at ACPA or NASPA, a thank you card is best (can be typed and printed out on stationary, instead, if your handwriting isn’t stellar). However, if you know they are making decisions within the week, or that the person you’re talking with doesn’t often check their office mailbox, a well-worded email is preferable. Just make sure you keep the tone more formal than your average virtual communication, as you would if you were hand-writing.

Prepare for the Best. Let’s assume they decide you are the best candidate for the job (congrats!). Are you ready for an offer? That is to say, are you prepared to talk about salary, start date, your other requests and deal-breakers, and to decide if you want to say yes or no if they say yes to everything you ask for? Be sure to think about these items ahead of time, reevaluating if anything has changed since you interviewed, so that if a positive phone call or email comes your way, you are ready to handle it. Know that salary negotiation is absolutely reasonable in higher education, but that you will need to have some facts, figures, and reasoning behind your ask for greater compensation. And most offices are willing to wait for the right person in regards to start date, but be sure to think about what a delay on your part might mean for their team and students. Think about any vacations or conferences you’ve committed to that would fall within your first 90 days (when paid time off isn’t typically allowed, so you’d need to negotiate this ahead of time), professional development funding or other growth points you want to talk about, and any final questions you know you need answered about the role, the office, the institution, the location, your supervisor, etc. before you could feel confident saying yes.

Prepare for the Worst. And of course, it’s a good idea to reflect upon how you will respond and move forward if this job doesn’t turn out to be a match. I remember hanging up the phone and bawling when I didn’t get an offer from the first position I interviewed on-campus for my second year in the HEA program. Even though it wasn’t my dream job – which I later got, albeit two months after graduation! Oh the joys of 20/20 hindsight – it hurt to get a “no.” I had to figure out how to not let this emotional setback ruin my confidence for the search ahead. If you don’t already have a good self-care plan and support system, now is the time to get people and plans in place so that you can heal relatively quickly from any negative news, and project positivity as you seek out the right fit. Remember that you can only say yes to ONE job, so you don’t need every offer, and that you want to be on a team that can’t imagine not hiring you, even if it takes a bit more time to find that perfect match.

Follow-Up. Lastly, some advice for the waiting game. If you were able to get some insight into when you would hear back from your interviewers, awesome, mark that info down in your calendar or job search tracker and plan to follow up with a quick call or email if that date passes without word. Remember that no news can definitely still be good news, especially with how SLOW and strict many university HR processes are. The hiring manager may know you are THE ONE right away, but before they fill out the right paperwork in and get things squared away on the HR side, they can’t necessarily tell you that. However, even if you don’t get a clear timeline for next steps in their process, if it’s been at least two weeks since your interview, it is reasonable to reach out to check in. Just let them know that you are still interested and wanted to see if there was any new information they could share on your candidacy. Keep your message short and sweet, and ideally they will respond with useful insight, one way or the other. In both of my full-time positions, I called to follow-up on my candidacy weeks after my final round interviews. Each time my call is what spurred the hiring manager to ask for final approval from HR to provide a verbal offer – who knows how long I would have been waiting or assuming the worst otherwise? While your search is certainly at the top of YOUR mind, it might not be the #1 thing on your future boss’s to-do list, or on HR’s for that matter, so it’s critical to be proactive and polite in your follow-up efforts. You may just get the good news, or if nothing else the closure, that you need to proceed.

Though getting from Applicant to Interviewee can seem like the toughest part of the search process, there is a lot you can do to move yourself from Interviewee to New Hire in the homestretch. I encourage each of you to spend time after each interview reflecting, showing gratitude, preparing yourself for all possible outcomes, and following-up when necessary. Each of these things will give you additional perspective, ownership, and control in an often nebulous phase of the job search process. Best of luck, and wishing you one or more excellent offers in the interview season ahead!

Samara Reynolds is a 2009 graduate of the Higher Education Administration master’s program. She is a career development professional, currently working at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. You can reach out to Samara with any questions at

Get Involved at ACPA 2015! Convention Service Project, by Sarah Cantrell Perkins, 2011 alumna

One year ago I was preparing to go to the ACPA Convention in Indianapolis. I had established with my supervisor that one of my goals was deeper involvement with ACPA; my task for the 2014 Convention was to identify specific positions that would be a good fit. During the Commission for Student Involvement (CSI) Open Meeting, I learned about the Convention Service Project Volunteer role and was immediately intrigued. Following that meeting, I had lunch with AJ and I shared my excitement with her, but also some concerns that come with putting your name in the mix for a new opportunity. As many of you can imagine, AJ was incredibly supportive and reflected to me how I could make this experience my own. I applied, was selected, and have been working over the past several months to coordinate the 2015 Convention Service Project. We’re in the final stretch and I’m reaching out to any and all Wolfpack -prospective and current students, faculty, and alumni – to join us and help us make the event a great success!

There are several ways you can participate:

Direct Service Project

Thursday, March 5 (8am-12:30pm). Participants will serve in teams with one of three Tampa Community partners: Feeding America Tampa Bay, Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful, and Tampa Heights Jr Civic Association.

Feeding America is the largest domestic hunger relief organization in the country, consisting of a network of more than 200 food banks. Feeding America Tampa Bay services a 10 county area in West Central Florida. Volunteers will sort through food donations, pack bags of groceries for those in need, stock and maintain the pantry/shopping area, and/or assist with any special projects.

Tampa Bay Beautification (founded in 1989) and Keep Hillsborough County Beautiful (founded in 1992) merged in 2012 to form Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful. Building on the success of these two non-profits, Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful continues to have a huge impact in the community. Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful is the local affiliate of Keep America Beautiful. Volunteers will participate in a local community clean up. *Note: ACPA volunteers on this project will walk to the neighborhood from the Convention Center.*

Tampa Heights Junior Civic Association is a community-based, resident driven organization that connects youth and families in the community; provides youth the opportunities to build leadership skills and civic involvement through mentoring, caring, and support; and secures resources to respond to identified needs. Volunteers will work at the community garden and a few will help at the community center as it prepares to open later in March.

Check-in will be in Marriott Lobby 2 of the Marriott Tampa Waterside hotel from 8:00 – 8:15am. Transportation to and from projects is provided.

Register today to secure the project of your choice! More details:

Professional Dress Clothing Drive

On-going. Donate new or gently used professional clothing in bins located near the convention registration area through Saturday, March 7 at 12pm. Donations will benefit Dress for Success Tampa.

Convention Service Project 2.0: Maximizing One Day Service Projects

Sunday, March 8 (8:00am-9:00am, Convention Center Room 24). Sponsored by the Commission for Student Involvement, this session corresponds with the Convention Service Project and will spotlight the challenges and opportunities related to critical reflection and one day service projects. Through the use of guided reflection activities focused on the Convention Service Project and a facilitated discussion among session participants, this program will engage Convention Service Project participants more deeply and will share the Service Project with those who did not attend. Participants will share best practices with critical reflection through a discussion-based, activity-led format.

The ACPA Convention Service Project is a wonderful way to meet colleagues, support the Tampa community, and to engage in the NCSU HEA’s values of integration with the larger community. Help us put these values into action and register for the Convention Service Project today! I look forward to seeing you in Tampa and thanks, in advance, for your support!

Sarah Cantrell Perkins is a 2011 graduate of the Higher Education Administration master’s program. She serves as the Civic Engagement Coordinator at the Georgia Institute of Technology. You can reach out to Sarah with any questions at

I’m Going to a Conference! By Christina Morton

In undergrad, some of my best memories were traveling with my peers to the annual National Society of Black Engineers conference. Everyone was dressed to impress as we connected with other students from all over the country, attended workshops, represented our region, and secured summer internship and co-op opportunities. Attending the annual conference was rejuvenating, inspiring, and affirming.  To be in one place with thousands of students and professionals all reciting one mission was truly a sight to behold. To me, that conference was much more than a professional gathering. It was a reunion and celebration of our field.                                     

Reflecting on my experiences as an undergraduate, I was uncertain about what to expect at my first professional conference in Student Affairs. However, I was happy to find that my experiences as an undergraduate in engineering and a paraprofessional in higher education were not so different after all.

This February, I attended the Southeastern Association of Housing Officers (SEAHO) Conference in Kentucky. On a whim, I submitted a program proposal and I was fortunate enough to be selected as a conference presenter. Thankfully, I had my supervisor’s support and he agreed to serve as my co-presenter. In the weeks leading up to the conference, I attended preparation sessions offered through my graduate student association and assistantship site.  One of the most valuable tips that I received was that conferences are not just for job seekers. Connections can be made at every level in one’s professional career, and there is no telling what opportunities can come of those connections. I would not consider myself to be a “networker,” but I do pride myself on building relationships with others, so I greatly looked forward to meeting other professionals and fostering mutually beneficial relationships with them.

When I arrived at SEAHO, I was determined to make the most of the experience. I volunteered as an interviewer for my current institution, attended sessions, presented, and participated in social gatherings to meet new people. Before I left Raleigh, I had goals that I wanted to accomplish at the conference, and I measured my success by how exhausted I was afterwards. I wholeheartedly believe that I earned my morning in bed that Saturday.

Taking lessons from my SEAHO experience, I am approaching my next conference with just as much enthusiasm and intentionality as my first. Within the next couple of weeks, I will be attending the Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, NASPA conference.  I have already mapped out the sessions that I plan to attend, contacted friends in the area, and organized my wardrobe.  I am looking forward to connecting with faculty members and students from several universities, including institutions where I submitted doctoral program applications. I am also excited to connect with my mentors and old friends that I met during my Master’s search process.

As I continue to develop and progress in this field, I recognize how valuable relationships are in the profession. Professionals in Higher Education are notorious for saying how small our field is, and attending conferences like SEAHO and NASPA only affirm that. With that in mind, I plan to continue building and maintaining strong relationships throughput my career. I hope that eventually new professionals will consider me a mentor, and I can help guide them in the profession. Also, understanding how intimate the field of Higher Education can be, I will always keep in mind that I am a product of where I have been, and my reputation is an attestation to where I am going.